Luzyckie Centrum Medyczne Szpital Wielospecjalistyczny, SALVEO MEDICAL CARE WARSAW, LUX MED, LUX MED, NSZOZ EL-MED, CENTRUM MEDYCZNE DAMIANA - PRZYCHODNIA, Gabinet rehabilitacji REH-MAD, Uzdrowiskowy Zaklad Przyrodoleczniczy - Zaklad Rehabilitacji Leczniczej REHNOWA, Uzdrowiskowy Zaklad Przyrodoleczniczy - Zaklad Rehabilitacji Leczniczej REHNOWA, SZPITAL W CZERWONEJ GORZE, Osrodek Wentylacji Domowej, NZOZ OSRODEK REHABILITACJI EURO-MED SP. Z O.O., Niepubliczny Zaklad Opieki Zdrowotnej IS-MED-PS, Gabinet Rehabilitacji Ruchowej Fizykoterapii i Masazow Leczniczych, CENTRUM DIALIZA SZPITAL BIALOGARD, SZPITAL W PUSZCZYKOWIE IM. PROF. S.T. DABROWSKIEGO-SWIADCZENIA AMBULATORYJNE, Szpital im. E.Biernackiego, NIEPUBLICZNY ZAKLAD OPIEKI ZDROWOTNEJ NOWA REHABILITACJA, Uslugi fizjoterapeutyczne FIZJOX Agata Freitag, Fizjoterapia Marcin Kotas, SLASKIE CENTRUM REHABILITACJI I TERAPII MANUALNEJ NZOZ ReVita, SANA MEDICAL CARE, FIZJOTERAPIA Jacek Wojtasik, FIZJOTERAPIA Jacek Wojtasik, Open Health Care Center
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 1465148 Description of the territory: Wawer - dzielnica
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Ezopa 46 04-801 WarszawaStreet code: 04852 Mail (location): Warszawa SIMC code: 0988840
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209623
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 0201011 Description of the territory: Boleslawiec - municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Sluzowa 7a/7 59-700 BoleslawiecStreet code: 22355 Mail (location): BOLESLAWIEC SIMC code: 0935989
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209624
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 2469011 Description of the territory: Katowice - municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Gdanska 20/95 40-719 KatowiceStreet code: 05431 Mail (location): Katowice SIMC code: 0937474
Luzyckie Centrum Medyczne Szpital Wielospecjalistyczny
Book number: 000000209675
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 0210011 Description of the territory: Luban - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Luzyckie Centrum Medyczne Szpital Wielospecjalistyczny ul. Zawidowska 4 59-800 LubanStreet code: 25834 Regon: 23119002000027 SIMC code: 0936150
Book number: 000000209676
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 1465188 Description of the territory: Wola - dzielnica
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: SALVEO MEDICAL CARE WARSAW ul. Chlodna 11 01-891 WarszawaStreet code: 02739 Mail (location): Warszawa Regon: 38107051900013 SIMC code: 0919884
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209677
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 0462011 Description of the territory: Grudziadz - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Ludwika Warynskiego 72/74 86-300 GrudziadzStreet code: 23707 Mail (location): Grudziadz SIMC code: 0983333
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209677
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 0462011 Description of the territory: Grudziadz - municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Ludwika Warynskiego 72/74 86-300 GrudziadzStreet code: 23707 Mail (location): Grudziadz SIMC code: 0983333
Book number: 000000209678
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 1465058 Description of the territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: LUX MED ul. Augustowka 30 02-981 WarszawaStreet code: 00495 Regon: 14072360300022 SIMC code: 0918130
Book number: 000000209678
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 1418032 Description of the territory: Lesznowola - village municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: LUX MED ul. Nowa 4A 05-500 Stara IwicznaStreet code: 14330 Mail (location): Stara Iwiczna Regon: 14072360300022 SIMC code: 0005003
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209679
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 2475011 Description of the territory: Sosnowiec - municipality
Type of address: Address for record keeping Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Komuny Paryskiej 134 41-219 SosnowiecStreet code: 09101 Mail (location): Sosnowiec SIMC code: 0943428
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209679
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 2475011 Description of the territory: Sosnowiec - municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Komuny Paryskiej 134 41-219 SosnowiecStreet code: 09101 Mail (location): Sosnowiec SIMC code: 0943428
Book number: 000000209679
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 2401011 Description of the territory: Bedzin - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: NSZOZ EL-MED ul. Pokoju 14 42-504 BedzinStreet code: 16942 Regon: 27622341800094 SIMC code: 0937899
Book number: 000000209680
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 1465058 Description of the territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: CENTRUM MEDYCZNE DAMIANA - PRZYCHODNIA ul. Cybernetyki 7B 02-776 WarszawaStreet code: 03150 Regon: 01563939000037 SIMC code: 0918130
Gabinet rehabilitacji REH-MAD
Book number: 000000209681
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 3006024 Description of the territory: Jarocin - miasto
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Gabinet rehabilitacji REH-MAD ul. Magnoliowa 1 63-200 JarocinStreet code: 11908 Mail (location): Jarocin Regon: 300273510 SIMC code: 0936776
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 2602024 Description of the territory: Jedrzejow - miasto
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Niepubliczny Zaklad Opieki Zdrowotnej "IS-MED-PS""" ul. Armii Krajowej 10 28-300 JedrzejowStreet code: 00432 Mail (location): Jedrzejow Regon: 53220175500030 SIMC code: 0947030
Gabinet Rehabilitacji Ruchowej Fizykoterapii i Masazow Leczniczych
Book number: 000000209716
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 1805011 Description of the territory: Jaslo - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Gabinet Rehabilitacji Ruchowej Fizykoterapii i Masazow Leczniczych ul. Hugona Kollataja 14/12 38-200 JasloStreet code: 09003 Mail (location): Jaslo Regon: 371161810 SIMC code: 0953059
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209217
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 3017034 Description of the territory: Odolanow - miasto
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Kaliska 54E 63-430 OdolanowStreet code: 07823 Mail (location): Odolanow SIMC code: 0937110
Book number: 000000209720
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 3201011 Description of the territory: Bialogard - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: CENTRUM DIALIZA SZPITAL BIALOGARD ul. Chopina 29 78-200 BialogardStreet code: 02844 Mail (location): Bialogard Regon: 24025424600616 SIMC code: 0949690
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209720
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 3201022 Description of the territory: Bialogard - village municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center NULL 36 78-200 RoscinoMail (location): Bialogard SIMC code: 0303150
Book number: 000000209722
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 3021021 Description of the territory: Puszczykowo - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: SZPITAL W PUSZCZYKOWIE IM. PROF. S.T. DABROWSKIEGO-SWIADCZENIA AMBULATORYJNE ul. Jozefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego 11 62-041 PuszczykowoStreet code: 09871 Regon: 63455243800047 SIMC code: 0971376
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209727
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 1434124 Description of the territory: Wolomin - miasto
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Brzozowa 9A 05-200 WolominStreet code: 02276 Mail (location): Wolomin SIMC code: 0921792
Szpital im. E.Biernackiego
Book number: 000000209765
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 1008021 Description of the territory: Pabianice - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Szpital im. E.Biernackiego ul. Jana Pawla II 68 95-200 PabianiceStreet code: 07123 Mail (location): Pabianice Regon: 10068249100026 SIMC code: 0959079
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209765
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 1001011 Description of the territory: Belchatow - municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Wisniowa 6 97-400 BelchatowStreet code: 24412 Mail (location): Belchatow SIMC code: 0967647
Book number: 000000209766
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 1261049 Description of the territory: Krakow-Podgorze - delegation
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: NIEPUBLICZNY ZAKLAD OPIEKI ZDROWOTNEJ NOWA REHABILITACJA ul. Komuny Paryskiej 24 30-389 KrakowStreet code: 09101 Regon: 24069233100020 SIMC code: 0950960
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209766
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 1261029 Description of the territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Krowoderskich Zuchow 25/84 31-271 KrakowStreet code: 09973 Mail (location): Krakow SIMC code: 0950470
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209767
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 0862011 Description of the territory: Zielona Gora - municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Augustowska 13/15 65-548 Zielona GoraStreet code: 00493 Mail (location): Zielona Gora SIMC code: 0988313
Uslugi fizjoterapeutyczne FIZJOX Agata Freitag
Book number: 000000209779
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 2408011 Description of the territory: Laziska Gorne - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 0810074 Description of the territory: Szprotawa - miasto
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Fizjoterapia Marcin Kotas ul. Jana Kochanowskiego 4a 67-300 SzprotawaStreet code: 08728 Mail (location): Szprotawa Regon: 080304806 SIMC code: 0988603
Book number: 000000209838
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 2470011 Description of the territory: Myslowice - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: SLASKIE CENTRUM REHABILITACJI I TERAPII MANUALNEJ NZOZ ReVita ul. Franciszka Kawy 6. 41-412 MyslowiceStreet code: 08240 Regon: 24031142900025 SIMC code: 0941487
Book number: 000000209838
Practice code: 93 Description of the practice: 93 - individual physiotherapeutic practice exclusively in a medical institution
Territory number: 2469011 Description of the territory: Katowice - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: SANA MEDICAL CARE ul. Marcina Szeligiewicza 20 40-044 KatowiceStreet code: 21900 Mail (location): Katowice Regon: 38251734200018 SIMC code: 0937474
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209838
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 2474011 Description of the territory: Siemianowice Slaskie - municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: Yes
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie 69b/4 41-103 Siemianowice SlaskieStreet code: 20068 Mail (location): Siemianowice Slaskie SIMC code: 0943150
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209845
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 2408011 Description of the territory: Laziska Gorne - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Mickiewicza 2a 43-170 Laziska GorneStreet code: 12734 Mail (location): Laziska Gorne SIMC code: 0941139
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209846
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 2475011 Description of the territory: Sosnowiec - municipality
Type of address: Address for record keeping Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 38/37 41-200 SosnowiecStreet code: 14018 SIMC code: 0943428
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209846
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 2475011 Description of the territory: Sosnowiec - municipality
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Naftowa 11 41-200 SosnowiecStreet code: 13927 SIMC code: 0943428
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209847
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 3064069 Description of the territory: Poznan-Wilda - delegation
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Filarecka 3/2 61-502 PoznanStreet code: 04993 Mail (location): Poznan Regon: 302209321 SIMC code: 0970448
Book number: 000000209850
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 2407011 Description of the territory: Lubliniec - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: FIZJOTERAPIA Jacek Wojtasik ul. Oleska 23 42-700 LubliniecStreet code: 14973 Mail (location): Lubliniec Regon: 381410955 SIMC code: 0931945
Book number: 000000209850
Practice code: 98 Description of the practice: 98 - individual physiotherapeutic practice
Territory number: 2466011 Description of the territory: Gliwice - municipality
Type of address: Address for granting benefits Call address: No
Address: FIZJOTERAPIA Jacek Wojtasik ul. Gornych Walow 52/8 44-100 GliwiceStreet code: 05986 Mail (location): Gliwice Regon: 381410955 SIMC code: 0940000
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209851
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 1415052 Description of the territory: Kadzidlo - village municipality
Type of address: Address for record keeping Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Ostrolecka 81 07-420 DylewoStreet code: 15382 Mail (location): Kadzidlo SIMC code: 0511077
Open Health Care Center
Book number: 000000209851
Practice code: 95 Description of the practice: 95 - individual physiotherapeutic practice only at the place of call
Territory number: 1465058 Description of the territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Type of address: Address of the place where calls are received Call address: No
Address: Open Health Care Center ul. Burgaska 6/214 02-758 WarszawaStreet code: 02446 Mail (location): Warszawa SIMC code: 0918130